Creating a Better Understanding of the B2B Green Marketing Landscape

By: Alexandra Kueller

In June, hosted a webinar, presented by Joel Makower, focusing on the business to business (or rather B2B) green marketing landscape (the guest speakers included Yalmaz Siddiqui, Kirsten Ritchie, and Scot Case). As clients increase their sustainability knowledge, the information or type of product they request will change as well. You need to be one step ahead of them in anticipating their needs as their sustainability knowledge increases.

Below are some of our takeaways from the webinar to make sure that happens:

Figure out what your customer wants

  • One easy way is to (actually) read the Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policies written in the priority segments provided by your client. The reading might be dry, but all the crucial details will be right in front of you.

Determine if the customer is seeking threshold-based or data-based communication

  • Be prepared to start supplying more information to your clients. As their sustainability knowledge increases, they’ll soon want more details about their product, so structured data reports will become the norm.

See if any additional environmental performances are needed

  • Make sure to check to see if your clients need to meet any additional criteria in the product. For example, if a client is trying to meet LEED standards, their product might have to be regionally sourced. Best to double check and be sure!

Expand to health, life cycle thinking and social equity

  • Go a step further and ask yourself what else can be done. Should you provide an ingredient disclosure? Does a Life Cycle Assessment need to be completed? Anticipate your clients’ needs!

Learn more about business to consumer green marketing here.