Third Term Recipient of Dow Jones Sustainability World Index: Lessons from Teck Resources Limited


Today, we bring you a sneak peek inside another one of our client engagements. Teck Resources is Canada’s largest diversified resource company, with major copper, steelmaking coal, zinc, and energy operations. Part of the challenge that Teck faces is understanding and responding to a wide variety of stakeholders. The company has a robust internal sustainability staff with personnel responsible for corporate sustainability strategy and communications, environment, health and safety (EHS), and community engagement. To supplement their internal team, SSC was enlisted to support these goals as an expert in sustainability rankings and socially responsible investment (SRI) strategies.

We’ve been working with Teck since 2005 on a variety of projects, including sustainability planning, reporting, and engagement. The result? Teck has been included for three straight years by the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI), which recognizes the top 10% of sustainability performers in each industry. We are proud to support Teck in its continuing journey towards sustainability!

Want to learn more about how we work with clients like Teck? Check out these excerpts from our recent case study:

Teck continues to garner national and international attention for its sustainability performance and in 2013 was recognized among the best of its peers for social and environmental responsibility.

  • In 2013, Teck was named to the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World. The “Global 100” the most extensive data-driven corporate sustainability assessment in existence, and its methodology for evaluating companies' sustainability or "clean capitalism" performance is cited as a leading global practice. Teck was the top ranked Canadian company on the Global 100 list, and ranked #21 overall.
  • Since 2010, Teck has achieved annual membership in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), a global index which recognizes the top 10% of sustainability performers in each industry. Since 2009, Teck has achieved membership in the DJSI NA index, which recognizes the top 20% of sustainability performers in North America.

"Over the years SSC has continuously provided us with solid support, advice and direction when it comes to understanding the ratings and SRI landscape,” said Carmen Turner, Sustainability Leader at Teck Resources. “They have been an integral part of helping us achieve our goal of making the DJSI World Index and have played a part in influencing the development of our sustainability strategy."

Want to learn more? Check out these resources!

Are you looking for a similar approach tailored to your specific organization’s needs? Interested in a short discussion to learn more about how our team of consultants can partner to find the right solution for you? Don’t hesitate to contact us!