New White Paper “Sick Building Syndrome: When Good Air Goes Bad” Now Available

Today we’re releasing our latest white paper, “Sick Building Syndrome: When Good Air Goes Bad.”

Headaches, fatigue, respiratory problems, and dizziness may sound like side effects from a strong medication, but they can also be contracted just from sitting at your desk! While the consequences of outdoor air pollution have been topics of public concern for decades, the threats of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) are lesser known.

Outdoor elements such as ozone depletion, greenhouse gas emissions, and smog are widely discussed and harmful to the planet—but what about the air we breathe inside? Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sick building syndrome (SBS) aren’t as well known as the previously mentioned threats, yet anyone who works or lives indoors is susceptible to the health effects of poor indoor air quality.

This paper presents the employee health and productivity risks of poor IAQ while examining the potential consequences to a business’s bottom line, if the indoor environment is not properly maintained. Additionally, this paper will introduce the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards for monitoring indoor spaces and provide solutions to combat poor IAQ.

To read more, download this free white paper!